About the artist

Life has always been a see-saw between the picturesque and the problematic for Henri Koshen. Born in post-war France to Polish émigré parents, he grew up on an artist’s estate in Aix-les-Bains in the French Alps, where his father worked as a housepainter and his mother was a homemaker and “stage Mom”, always entering Henri and his sister in local beauty contests. What they lacked in money, they made up for in a great sense of style and free-spiritedness.


This bohemian life was destined to end when the family moved to Bayside, Long Island when Henri was 9. There, they lived in the basement apartment of the building where his father was superintendent while Henri attended the local public school.

This all went rather poorly for him at first, until he figured out that there was a degree of dignity and protection to be gained by being artist-in-residence for a gang called the Zombies, hand painting skulls on their leather jackets and flames on their hot rods, signing his handiwork "Frenchie". Picture West Side Story -  with a lot less singing and dancing and a lot more painting - or else. 

After High School came the The School of Visual Arts in New York, while living above Paolucci's


Restaurant in Little Italy.  A photography business followed, while becoming fully immersed in the 1970’s human potential movement as a facilitator, trainer and coach. This brought Henri back to France to establish an audio-visual studio in Paris, illustrating his own books on wellness practices. Following this, he taught seminars all over Europe in meditation and developmental techniques, delving deep into self-awareness and commitment to growth. 

This combination of art and coaching gives Henri the ability to 'recalibrate' what is out of harmony---in a room, a house or a person. 
